If you wish you were "lucky" open this:

How to increase your surface area of luck.

I used to believe “luck” was a fluke.

I would watch people around me “get lucky”. Meeting cool people, tweets that blew up, sudden growth on Twitter, job opportunities and more. To me, it looked like luck. I wished I could be that lucky.

But in reality, these “lucky events” were the culmination of intense work.

How do we get lucky?

We can get lucky based on where we were born, who we were born to, or from “Acts of God” (think winning a lottery ticket). But, we can control our luck by increasing the surface area for lucky events to strike us.

Sahil Bloom gives us two ways to actively increase this surface area:

  1. Remove Anti-luck

Anti-luck is anything that decreases your surface area of luck.

For me, this includes limiting beliefs, pessimism and negative people. Anything that holds you back from your potential. All of these things DECREASE your surface area for lucky events to strike.

Anything that is attributed to “being realistic” can be described as anti-luck.

  1. Add Pro-luck

Pro-luck is anything that increases your surface area of luck.

For me this includes, sending more DMs, writing more content, going to different cafes for the chance to meet new people, and hanging around people who encourage me to think bigger.

Anything that encourages the possibility of more can be described as pro-luck.

I made myself a case study for “luck”.

I cold DMed Sahil Bloom and ended up meeting him for coffee. It’s easy to view this event as “lucky”.

But when I look back, I can see that it was really the result of me broadening my surface area of luck over a long period of time.

Luck had very little to do with it

Sahil Bloom

What do I take away from this?

You can increase the surface area of luck in your own life. Start saying YES to opportunities that fall in your path. Put yourself in situations where lucky things can happen to you.

Do these things and watch yourself “get lucky”.

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Next email I break down how I increased my surface area of luck to meet Sahil Bloom. You don’t want to miss it.